
Photo usage and credit policy

We understand how vital our role is at every wedding, event or magazine article we photograph. To capture amazing photos for our clients is, of course, our first and most important job. That also means we will have taken images showing the immeasurable talent & quality of the amazing wedding, event and other vendors we work with. I love giving access to these photos to our vendors to use so they can promote their services as we all benefit.

While we are very happy to have our work used for vendors to showcase their work, we need to clarify the legal and ethical terms in which they can do so. First and foremost, every photograph we take is protected by federal copyright laws. Using an image for your company (or giving it to someone else for use) without our explicit written consent is both illegal and unethical. This is not meant to be threatening but I feel we must be clear in protecting our work. We’ve spent a countless amount of hours and thousands upon thousands of dollars as well as personal sacrifices to cultivate our craft. As such, please review and adhere to the below guidelines when posting our work.

If you would like to use our photos, credit must be given to Brian Mullins Photography using the following guidelines. Improper or lack of crediting/tagging is a copyright violation (and just not a nice thing to do), so please be respectful in regards of these are my images and I am the one ultimately responsible for creating them. This is our livelihood and the photos are our end product. We cannot survive (much less anyone) by giving away the product we work so tirelessly to create. THANK YOU!!

Alteration of photos by adding logos, watermarks or cropping out my logo is not permitted. We work hard to keep our watermark minimal and not destroy the look & feel of the image. Additionally, adding filters via 3rd party programs (snapchat, instagram, etc) or using other medium to change the appearance of the photo is not permitted.


Please tag our photos with @brianmullinsphotography in the caption. You may also use the hashtag (#brianmullinsphotography) if you like, but the @ is required. If you’d like to tag us on the photo itself, that is great, but again the only requirement is the @. Please see examples below:

instagram tagging example


Please tag our photos with @brianmullinsphotography. Please see the example below:

facebook tagging example

Website, email blast and other online usage (including blogs)

In the text of the webpage, post or email, photo credit must be given to Brian Mullins Photography and a link placed on the page to https://brianmullinsphotography.com. We understand some 3rd party blogs or pages don’t allow these links however, for the photos to be used in that fashion we require a link back to our website. If that is not possible, we are sorry to say, the photos are not allowed to be used on the post or page. Should there be any concerns please have the company or the website reach out directly to us.

Print Magazines

Photos may be used in print for both advertisements and editorial content with credit given to Brian Mullins Photography. Credit specs for printed applications are:

  • Bottom Right Corner of image, horizontally or vertically; or directly under image horizontally.
  • Font color must be black or white, contrasting against the background color, so it’s clearly visible.
  • Font size and thickness must not be smaller or thinner than Helvetica at 5pt or equivalent font/size to match that minimum.
  • For editorial content with multiple images or pages with the entire spread consisting of our photos, or with multiple pages, credit may alternatively be given in the context of the editorial text, in similar font and size of the editorial text.

If the magazine will not print credits based on the above specifications, then we will not grant permission and any reproduction may be construed as a copyright violation.

Tagging resources:

instagram: @brianmullinsphotography
facebook: Brian Mullins Photography
website: Raleigh Wedding Photographer

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