
2010 WPS Convention | Wedding Photographic Society

This post is a little off the beaten path as I am usually showing my clients wedding photography, but it is something I am insanely proud to be a part of. A group of Raleigh Wedding Photographers are holding a Wedding Photography convention in Raleigh, NC on June 27th & 28th, 2010. The 2010 WPS Convention will be held at the RTP Hilton in RTP, NC and include 5 speakers, shooting sessions, mentor sessions with the convention speakers, open topics and, well, alot of wedding photographers!

You can find more information on the Wedding Photographic Society webpage about the convention.  I have included a little information below on my involvement. Something we are very proud of is all 5 photographers are offering mentor sessions with ALL the proceeds goings towards a very worthy charity – Give Kids the World.  If you are interested in a mentor session, please sign up ASAP as there are only a few spots left!

For the convention, I will be speaking and holding 2 shooting sessions (Along with the other 4 presenters doing the same with different topics for their presentations and photography).

Convention Topic – Don’t fear the sell – Brian Mullins

Brian will discuss techniques on how to improve your wedding photography consultations including pricing, products, listening to your business and client presentation.  Too often we, quite literally, get in our own way and send mixed messages to potential wedding clients during consultations or phone calls/e-mails.  The goal of the presentation is to help you identify and rectify those inconsistencies which will allow your business to grow & mature naturally.

Shooting Session – Guerrilla Lighting – Brian Mullins

Brian will demonstrate the techniques he uses when presented with difficult lighting scenarios.  Full sun, no sun and mixed lighting conditions are all things wedding photographers face for each wedding.  Guerrilla Lighting shows how to take what you are given, work with it and end up with unique and beautiful photos!  Versatility is key here so audience participation will be huge in choosing what we would consider “bad” lighting and making it into works of art!

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