
Day After Session | Raleigh NC | Erin & Thij

You may remember Erin & Thij from their Grove Park Inn wedding photography earlier this year. Unfortunately, it rained the entire day of their wedding so we didn’t get do any outdoor portraits, which was really important to them. The week after the wedding we talked it over and decided to capture the same feel in Raleigh, NC at Yates Mill Pond in a day after session.

So I know it’s called a Day After Session but, well, it was actually a couple of weeks. There is something to be said for consistency and we had to reschedule the session twice as the rain continued to follow our plans. Finally we were able to get a break in the weather, don the wedding dress and tux (them, not me) and capture some awesome day after photography.

Here’s a few of my favorites from the day:

Raleigh Wedding Photography - Day After Session

Raleigh Wedding Photography - Day After Session

Raleigh Wedding Photographer - Yates Mill Pond

Raleigh Wedding Photographer - Day After Session

Raleigh Wedding Photographers - Wedding Portrait

North Carolina Wedding Photographer

Raleigh Portrait Photographer - Yates Mill Pond

Raleigh Portrait Photographer - Yates Mill Pond

Raleigh Portrait Photographer - Brian Mullins Photography

Raleigh Portrait Photographer - Brian Mullins Photography

Raleigh Wedding Photography - Yates Mill Pond

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