With the growing number of professional Raleigh wedding photographers, it has become more and more difficult to find the one that’s the right fit for you. The ranks are constantly swelling, unforgiving to mistakes and the uninitiated. Since there are so many photographers, I have found some key points that can help you select the Raleigh NC wedding photography that suits your style.
Does their work speak to you?
Make sure the photographers work can be enjoyed and smiled upon for generations. For example, “shag” carpet in the 70’s. It really was all the rage but, a mere 5-6 years later; it was getting torn out and replaced with something more practical. Being in style is great but, unlike carpet, you can’t replace the wedding photos. These memories will be viewed by your children and should reflect the best and most elegant moments of your wedding.
Check out a full wedding
Wedding photographers will openly display their best work. Although this work may be appealing, you should view all of their work, the good and the bad. A truly unique wedding photographer will be able to deliver the same quality of shots throughout the majority of the wedding. If the photographer does not have an entire wedding to show you, then you may want to look further into them before making your decision.
Are they one of many?
This is going to be the biggest challenge when looking for unique wedding photography. There are many, many tools widely available to wedding photographers that allow them to artistically finish off their photography without much knowledge of Photo shop or general post processing. These actions do indeed give wedding photographers a huge tool set to polish their photos – just be sure you like the polish and it fits within your search for truly unique Raleigh wedding photography.