
Angus Barn Wedding | Katie & Nick

Finally catching up on some of my older weddings. This is one of my most memorable ones (pre-covid). Katie & Nick called me from out of town. They aren’t from here but wanted to have their ceremony in Raleigh to accommodate family. After looking around, they decided on an Angus Barn wedding based on the facility, the reputation and, of course, the food. It’s difficult when planning a wedding remotely so I was happy to help with their timing & giving inside information on how best to schedule the day.

As part of these conversations we discussed having a first look and Katie had a brilliant idea. As they are always playing jokes on each other Katie wanted to dress up a groomsman, a 6’7″ groomsman, in a wedding dress and have HIM do the first look. LOL. Of course this is something that we LOVE doing so we helped (ok, conspired) on how to get the best effect and the best photos from this. So we setup the groom with his back turned and had the “bride” come up behind him. His reaction was priceless and the Brideman ending up getting a hug & kiss. lol

The rest of their wedding day was filled with just as much laughter and a TON of emotion. I really loved how their day was planned out as the had the parent dances first, then they danced and halfway thru called in everyone to join them. We always stress with our clients to truly listen to what “they want” from their day. Weddings can be stressful when trying to accomodate what everyone thinks you should do but, in the end, everyone is there to celebrate with you so what better way than to have it reflect your style.

I hope you enjoy the wedding photos from Nick & Katie’s angus barn wedding.

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